Live from Money2020: Marshall Hayner – CEO Metallicus
Originally aired on June 7, 2023
Marshall Hayner, CEO of Metallicus, spoke about the current state of the cryptocurrency industry and how the age of regulation is now upon us. He also discussed the political divide in the U.S. when it comes to crypto and how it could impact the future of the industry.
Is the age of regulation upon us in the cryptocurrency industry?
- Hayner believes that the industry is going through cycles of innovation and hype, and the current cycle is one of regulation.
- He predicts a shift towards non-custodial environments and decentralized exchanges, with a push towards regulation technology.
- There is also a narrative around crypto banking and the potential involvement of traditional banks.
- However, the political divide in the U.S., with Democrats taking a bearish stance on crypto, is causing pushback on regulation.
- Hayner encourages those in the crypto industry to support elected officials who support crypto, as it is a matter of freedom and self-sovereignty.