The Independent Movement – Inside the Independent National Convention” is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the growing movement of independent politics and its potential impact on the future of America. The 2023 Independent National Convention took place in Austin, Texas, and served as a rallying point for the Independent Movement. As the documentary unfolds, it becomes clear that the Independent Movement is not just about a convention, a party, or a candidate. It’s about thinking for ourselves and working together to create better solutions that benefit everyone. This documentary covers a range of important topics, including the two-party political system, data protection, blockchain voting/elections, and the internet bill of rights. “The Independent Movement – Inside the Independent National Convention” is a must-see for anyone interested in the future of American politics and the power of independent thought and action.
Dennis Kucinich – Former Congressman and Former Mayor of Cleveland
Tulsi Gabbard – Former Presidential candidate and Congresswoman
Brock Pierce – 2020 Independent Presidential candidate
Karla Ballard – Co-host of the Independent National Convention & Founder of YING
Scott Vineberg – California candidate for Senate, January Walker – Congressional candidate for Utah
Derrick Broze – Houston Mayoral Candidate
Amelia Powers Gardner – Utah County Commissioner and Founder of Innogov
Trent Pool – Co-Host of the Independent National Convention
Christopher Life – Founder of the Independent National Convention
Brittany Kaiser – Co-Founder of the Independent National Convention and Founder of Own Your Data
Blair Walsingham – Tennessee Congressional Candidate.
The music for the documentary is by DPAK and Johnny Twilight.